by fisherwebdesign | Nov 23, 2011 | Blog
Hi Everyone, Thanksgiving is upon us and I offer you my humble thanks for all of your support, referrals, and continued business. Sophia and I are heading south for a few days of rest. I hope your holiday will be great too. ~Susan Thanking Inventors The November 28,...
by fisherwebdesign | Nov 16, 2011 | Blog
Worthy Websites Hi Everyone, One of the biggest challenges I face each week involves finding adequate time to review all of the information that pours in from various sources. There is no doubt that we live in the age of information overload. Once a year, the American...
by fisherwebdesign | Nov 9, 2011 | Blog
Hi Everyone, I just got subscription renewal notices to many of the print publications I receive and got to thinking about how useful they really are these days. How effective are the ads I’ve run for years? Let me know what you think. ~Susan Newspapers &...
by fisherwebdesign | Nov 2, 2011 | Blog
Hi Everyone, Life is full of first dances. Sophia just attended her first middle school dance this past Saturday. It’s impact on Mom rivals other first dances for sure. This week, I want to talk about the impact first dances can have on us. I remember the first...