by fisherwebdesign | Aug 29, 2012 | Blog
Hi Everyone, Many of you had questions regarding the recent blogs discussing which sectors have performed better or worse than others and why. Materials seem to be on your mind so let’s take a closer look. . . ~Susan Materials – A Closer Look The materials...
by fisherwebdesign | Aug 22, 2012 | Blog
Hi Everyone, The new technologies emerging in the healthcare and IT sectors are truly amazing. As an investor, embrace these new friends for they could become your foes if ignored. ~Susan Friends Not Foes Discovering New Technologies As the next couple of months...
by fisherwebdesign | Aug 15, 2012 | Blog
Hi Everyone, August is a month to assess and look ahead as we have an exciting few months to go in 2012. There will be no shortage of economic data and political news. Here are some things to keep in mind. ~Susan August and Ahead The first seven months of the year had...
by fisherwebdesign | Aug 8, 2012 | Blog
Hi Everyone, Sophia Rose goes back to school this week; I can’t believe our summer is over. I may be the luckiest mother in the world to have a daughter I enjoy so much. I will miss her during the day now and a few of you probably will too as she was a fixture...
by fisherwebdesign | Aug 1, 2012 | Blog
Hi Everyone, The Bush tax cuts are scheduled to expire and, if allowed to happen, will impact the markets negatively. It’s important that the executive and legislative branches of our government keep them in place. Here’s why . . . ~Susan Dividends and...