Hi Everyone,

Happy Holidays. LPL Financial’s Outlook for 2014 is out; excerpts below. Important information for existing clients too.


Outlook 2014

LPL Financial Research’s “Outlook 2014 – The Investor’s Almanac” is out. Email me for a full copy. Here are a few highlights:

After two “clean” lifts to the debt ceiling since 2011, we are unlikely to see concessions in exchange for a third increase in 2014- making a high-stakes fiscal battle unlikely.

Europe is emerging from recession.

. . .trend is one of investors becoming more independent from policymakers.


At the beginning of the year, The Linkous Group, Ltd. will transition to offering investment advice and portfolio management through our own Registered Investment Advisor. We have chosen to retain most all support services from LPL Financial.

If you are an existing client, please contact me by 12/31 to learn what, if any, changes you will see.

Holiday Schedule

What holiday? Sincerely, I thank you for keeping me so busy that the aforementioned transition is keeping me at work full-time this season:

Corporate Headquarters:
13225 N Verde River Drive, #203
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Most all mornings; appointment recommended

5635 N Scottsdale Road, #170
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
M-F / 8-5
Appointments preferred


Securities offered through LPL Financial
Member FINRA and SIPC