Photo of Susan Linkous in the officeMIT Technology Review is another of my favorite publications. Susie Cagle’s article What One Tree Can(‘t) Do from the July issue sums up the incredible power of a tree and all the ways they nurture us.

Notable Quote: “Patience and diligence, like faith, remove mountains.”  ~William Penn

Food for Thought:

“Trees are one of the most effective and readily available carbon capture tools we have but there isn’t enough land for all the trees we’d need.” ~Susie Cagle

“One mature tree will absorb roughly 48 pounds of CO2 in a year, enough to offset the impact of:

  • one way car trip between Santa Fe and Albuquerque
  • one month of diapers for a baby
  • one third of a microsecond mining Bitcoin
  • less than one average US beef patty

If anyone ever asks me again about what I think of crypto currency, I’ll be sure and include this humbling fact on behalf of my friends, the trees. Missing from the interesting stat list above is the fact that the single worst performing asset class so far in 2022 is crypto currency. Let’s face it folks, our trees have much more important work to do.

Unrelated story about a tree:
I’m doing a minor remodel to the corporate office in Fountain Hills. One room that I use for my private study has no windows. If you’ve ever been there, you know I love plants and have an office full of live ones but none survive in that particular room. So, I ordered a silk ficus from Amazon. Total process was totally detrimental in terms of CO2. The delivery date came and went with a refund finally offered as my tree was assumed lost somewhere in Texas. Well, within 5 minutes of asking for and immediately receiving the refund (great service on that task), my tree arrived.

I quickly had my ficus hauled into the office, as I may actually have unwittingly stolen it, and now my tree patiently awaits the installation of new flooring so it can collect dust in all its glory.

Finally, as our quote of the week says, patience and diligence are keys to success. So be diligent about collecting and reinvesting dividends, be patient with these markets and, most importantly of all, have faith that we can find a way to help our trees help us.

Until next time,