Quotes for March:
“I use not only all the brains I have but all I can borrow.” ~ Woodrow Wilson
“Being right half the time beats being half-right all the time.” ~Malcolm Forbes
Currently Reading:
The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
I’m a foodie. I love to cook and I use a lot of spice. My pantry is full of items from McCormick & Company (MKC) and, over the years, I’ve grown to love the company. In addition to all the great spices, which I forever hope are in proper alphabetical order at my local grocery store, they also own: Old Bay, Lawry’s, Stubb’s BBQ products, Frank’s Red Hot, French’s and Cholula to name a few. I have them all sans any barbecue sauce!
With the price of beef, chicken, eggs, veal and just about everything up more than 10-16% over this time a year ago (according to my receipts), I’m more determined than ever to make it all taste amazing and that has led to my investment in my spice rack needing to be insured.
I found these stats somewhere in my reading pile this week:
Condiments Sold
Mayo: $10.6 billion worldwide / $1.8 billion U.S.
Ketchup: $6.9 billion worldwide / $1.0 billion U.S.
Chili Sauce: $5.0 billion worldwide / $1.0 billion U.S.
Mustard: $2.0 billion worldwide / $0.5 billion U.S.
In the Linkous house it’s chili sauce, mustard, mayo and then ketchup.
Until next time,